The DOME Cycle Lab
Professional Los Alamos Bicycle Repair
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Open Lab Times -- First Experiment Saturday, August 13, 11am to 2pm
Friday, July 29, 2011
DOME Cycle Lab Update -- Impacts of the Las Conchas Fire on the Los Alamos Biking Community
The forest conditions at the time of the fire were ripe for disaster. There had been minimal snowfall during the winter, and no spring rains to speak of. June was an erratic combination of unusually blustery winds combined with scorching heat, and a few days of unusually cold and windy conditions. The National Forest Service had initiated Stage III fire restrictions on June 24th, but unfortunately, wind caused an aspen to fall on a power line, and the fire went chaotically out of control within minutes. Considered to be human-caused, because humans built the power line, this tragic fire seems an unfortunate act of fate.
The Pajarito Ski Area, considered the green forested haven after the Cerro Grande Fire, also took some direct hits from the Las Conchas Fire, but amazingly, a significant portion of the mountain is still okay. Neal Pederson, who has long spearheaded the development of the biking and free-ride trails at Pajarito, recently surveyed the trail damage on the mountain.
In the mean time, if you need bike service or repair, don't hesitate to make an appointment! Stay tuned for some further announcements of August Cycle Lab specials, as well as Open Lab days where you can come in and use our equipment to tune-up your bike.
As always, the DOME is here to keep your ride in pristine condition.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Rolling Into Better Weather

Despite the recent high winds, warmer weather has been steadily increasing the past several weeks. The DOME staff recently took a field trip to Indian Creek, UT, but we are back and ready to service your bicycles.
We are thinking of running some Spring Cleaning Specials, so stay tuned for further details.
The Diamond Drive construction has started up again, so be extra cautious through the work zones, and try to stick to the trails and back streets as much as possible.
As always, we can order most parts and have them to you in two days.
Give us a call, send an email, or send a text to inquire about our services.
Happy Trails!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Winter Commuters -- Service Your Bicycles!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Spring has Sprung
The snow has finally stopped blowing horizontally and it looks like spring may actually be here to for a while.
The leaves are beginning to populate the sides of the mountains, race season has begun for many, the roads may still be sandy (although hopefully the sweepers will help out soon), and the trails are getting tacky.
If you haven't already done so, DOME suggests doing a spring cleaning checkup on your bicycle.
Is your chain stretched out?
Cables frayed?
Housing falling apart?
Do the brakes still have integrity?
Spring is a great time to bring your bike into the shop for a spring safety check and to ensure that your bike is in optimum condition for spring training.
Discounts are offered to all verified members of the Triatomics and the Tuff Riders.
We are appointment only: 670.5346
Questions can also be emailed: domeshop at
Happy Riding!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sweetheart Special

The DOME Cycle Lab is offering a pre-season tune-up special.
Bring in one bicycle for a tune-up and get a second tune at half price.
Discount applies to the Tune-up price only.
The DOME is an appointment-only service shop, so please call to ensure your slot!
The number for the DOME is 670-5346, text messages accepted as well.
If you prefer to communicate electronically via email, the proper channel would be:
domeshop (at)
Happy Trails!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Welcome to the DOME Cycle Lab